Going Green in the Kitchen
April is Earth Month, so here are some great tips and a bit of interesting information to make your meals more eco-friendly!
It's not the one that starts a car. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the animal agriculture sector contributes to global warming even more than transportation does. Reducing the amount of meat, eggs, and dairy products in your diet is one of the most effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Money-Saving and Planet-Saving Quick Tips
1. Use cloth kitchen towels and napkins or at least half-sheet recycled paper towels.
2. Get a water filter or refill dispenser jugs vs. single-serve, single-use plastic bottles.
3. Shop the bulk bins to save packaging on grains, beans, cereals, pasta and snacks.
4. Reuse shopping bags, and not just at the grocery store (although many stores will give you money back!)
5. Make and take your lunch and avoid the waste of single-use packaging or take-out containers.
6. Mix your own healthier soda by combining 2 parts mineral water to one part real juice.
7. Vacuum your fridge coils 3 or 4 times a year (more often if you have pets).
8. Wash clothes in cold water because roughy 80% of washer energy used is to heat water.
9. Watch your portion sizes to help balance consumption with resources (and help your health)!
10. Shop the sales on eco-friendly cleaners, recycled paper goods and local, organic and seasonal goods.
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