Tyler Florence's Store in Mill Valley
I was recently in Mill Valley, CA and had a chance to drop by Tyler Florence's new kitchen store. His shop is absolutely fantastic! With everything from high end cookware to table settings and gourmet foodstuffs this store is a foodies dream. Tyler himself was in the store the day I visited. He cordially signed a few autographs and took a few pictures before retiring to the back office to get some work done. (By the way, Tyler is great about updating his Facebook and Twitter pages with wonderful info, recipes and cooking tips - check it out!)
It is hard to see in this photo, but in one corner of the store there is even a cooking demo area. Notice the tv's overhead - he has old videos of Julia Child constantly playing!
The far back of the store is a library filled floor to ceiling with cookbooks. Along with the world's most comfortable leather couches and chairs, as well as complementary iced tea and lemon water, I might be able to sit here all day long! (My mom and sister had to pry me off that couch...)
*Funny Note*
A few days after I visited the store, an unidentified prankster stole one of the giant forks on the sign outside the store! (You can see it in the first photo above) The search continues for the culprit, but various food network bloggers are having a field day with it!
What do you think? Innocent prank from local high school kids? Or intentional sabotage from Tyler's rival Andrew Zimmern?!
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